Elevate Yourself

A new year ​is upon us and as expected, resolutions are trickling in on all sides. Silent or outspoken. All arched towards a direction, to better yourself. To add value to your life. But…How many of these resolutions take into account the welfare of others?

The saying “no man is an island” is not just a cliche. These words bear weight just as much as they bear meaning and should serve as a constant ticky clock to reinforce the importance of climbing up the rough terrain of life on the wings of support. Support from friends, co-workers, neighbours, family and that random stranger that gets to cross our paths daily. For this reason,  we are constantly reminded to be nice to everybody and subdue discrimination in all facets of our daily endeavours. The many faces you see around you today are individual rungs on your ladder to success just as you are on theirs.

Success in this context isn’t necessarily making it to the level of lux and lush. Success could be that stranger who comes along to fix that flat tire on a lonely road. Success could be that annoying co-worker who gets your proposal through right before the deadline. Success could be that person who draws you close and offers a meal on a pockets-empty day.

Perhaps you’ve played the kind angel all these years and your goodwill never gets rewarded. Hang in there and keep being YOU. Never allow circumstances or people’s actions mould an unpleasant being of you. They are only breaking the connecting rung on their ladder not yours. 

This year, commit to doing good by someone’s side. Be that pillar a falling hand hopes for. Be the streak of light  in someone’s darkclouds. Be that drop of water to a dry  thirsty throat.  Be the strong arm that picks up a fallen person. Be that passport to someone’s new world.  ‘Cause when you lift a hand,  you lift youself. Make a concious effort to elevate yoursel this year.

Cheers to a colourful 2017


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